Friday, September 15, 2023
Washington Association for Community Health, Washington AIDS Education and Training Center, and Washington State Department of Health are partnering to offer a monthly webinar series that will help Federally Qualified Health Centers leverage the whole care team to address patients’ sexual health.
Intended Audience:
Clinicians, nurses, pharmacists, prescribers, navigators, health educators, behavioral health providers, and other members of the clinical care team
Learning Objectives:
As a result of attending the learning event, attendees will be able to describe how to:
Describe the recommended regimens in the CDC STI treatment guidelines.
List the preferred-over-alternative regimens in the guidelines.
Discuss the emerging and ongoing challenges of the leading STIs.
Update on penicillin shortage/access to treat syphilis.
Hillary Liss, MD
Clinical Associate Professor University of Washington
Questions? Contact:
Brianne Probasco
Reproductive Health Senior Coordinator
360-786-9722 ext. 203